Lexington Books
Pages: 310
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-0-7391-3107-7 • Hardback • August 2009 • $147.00 • (£113.00)
978-0-7391-3108-4 • Paperback • August 2009 • $64.99 • (£50.00)
978-0-7391-3109-1 • eBook • August 2009 • $61.50 • (£47.00)
Janis L. Edwards is associate professor of communication studies at University of Alabama.
Part 1 Introduction: Politics as Gendered Space
Chapter 2 Chapter 1: Navigating Gender Complexities: Hillary and Bill Clinton as a Political Team
Chapter 3 Chapter 2: Women Who Spoke for Themselves: Working Women, Suffrage, and the Construction of Women's Rhetorical Style
Chapter 4 Chapter 3: Crafting a Feminine Presidency: Elizabeth Dole's 1999 Presidential Campaign
Chapter 5 Chapter 4: The Diatribe of Ann Coulter: Gendered Style, Conservative Ideology, and the Public Sphere
Chapter 6 Chapter 5: Madame Secretary: Is the Female Voice a Difference That Makes a Difference in National Security Discourse?
Chapter 7 Chapter 6: Racing Jesse Jackson: Leadership, Masculinity, and the Black Presidency
Chapter 8 Chapter 7: Governor Mom: Jane Swift and the Body Politic
Chapter 9 Chapter 8: Beyond Lesbian Identity: Exploring the Use of Narrative in Kathy Webb's Successful Campaign for the Arkansas State Legislature
Chapter 10 Chapter 9: Traversing the Wife/Candidate Double Bind: Feminine Display in the Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Dole Senate Campaign Films
Chapter 11 Chapter 10: Political Symbolism in Chisolm '72: Unbought and Unbossed
Chapter 12 Chapter 11: Press Framing of First Ladies' Political Activism
Chapter 13 Chapter 12: Gender Bias and Maintenance: The Press Coverage of Senator Hillary Clinton's Announcement to Seek the White House
Chapter 14 Chapter 13: Visualizing Presidential Imperatives: Masculinity as Interpretive Frame in Editorial Cartoons, 1988-2008
Chapter 15 Chapter 14: Gendered Bodies: Considering the Sexual in Political Communication
Part 16 An Epistolary Epilogue: Learning from Sarah Palin's Vice-Presidential Campaign
Let there be no doubt: When the dialogue in your classroom revolves around gender and elective politics, you and your students will need Gender and Political Communication in America: Rhetoric, Representation, and Display.
— Judith Trent, University of Cincinnati
2008 was a watershed presidential election. Issues of gender and race played critical roles in press coverage and agenda setting. Professor Edwards's collection of essays provides a valuable framework for evaluating the impact of gender and race on the election outcome.
— Barbara O'Connor, California State University, Sacramento