Lexington Books
Pages: 186
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-0-7391-2176-4 • Hardback • February 2009 • $120.00 • (£92.00)
978-0-7391-2177-1 • Paperback • April 2010 • $56.99 • (£44.00)
978-0-7391-3199-2 • eBook • February 2009 • $54.00 • (£42.00)
Deborah Atwater is associate professor emerita of communication arts and sciences and African and African American studies at The Pennsylvania State University.
1 Table of Contents
2 Dedication
3 Acknowledgments
Chapter 4 1. Awakenings
Chapter 5 2. And the Truth Shall Set You Free
Chapter 6 3. African American Women in the Civil War and Reconstruction
Chapter 7 4. Leading to World War I
Chapter 8 5. World War II and the Lives of Working-Class African American Women
Chapter 9 6. The Era of the Modern Civil Rights Movement: The Struggle for Rights Continues
Chapter 10 7. African American Women in Contemporary Politics and Political Organizations
Chapter 11 8. Contemporary Times: African American Women and Hip-Hop
Chapter 12 9. The Struggle Continues: Steps to Implementing Change
Dr. Atwater has continued to give a prolonged glance at African women from Saartjie Baartman to Queen Latifah who have demonstrated dignity, honor, beauty, and activism despite the odds. Her presentation of their contributions and speeches shows how these women continued to build on the foundation that was laid by our foremothers. Great read!
— Laverne Gyant, Northern Illinois University