Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 272
Trim: 5½ x 8½
978-0-7425-1167-5 • Paperback • April 2001 • $29.00 • (£19.99)
Overman's 'brief' finds implausible the claims that life evolved from nonlife by chance and that the conditions for life in the universe are without cause. . . . As clear and straightforward an argument as one can find.
— First Things
The author has provided an eminently readable and interesting book.
— Glenn Wyper; Reformed Review, Fall 98, Vo. 52 N0. 1
The writing is very clear, with hierarchic organization of numbered sections and subsections. Overman writes for the intelligent layperson, making this fine presentation of the argument for Design accessible to a wide audience.
— Charles E. Chaffey, Universtiy of Toronto; Book Reviews, March 99
Overman's Brilliant book A Case Against Accident and Self-Organization will demonstrate to any reader that the universe we know could hardly have arisen by chance.
— The American Enterprise
For entertainment, Mr. Overman likes to ponder the origins of life on Earth, the mysteries of quantum mechanics and the nuances of particle physics. His mastery of these fields has earned him the respect and admiration of scholars from Cambridge to Harvard.
— Mona Charen; The Washington Times
A valuable contribution to the discussion about the relationship between natural science and theology.
— Wolfhart Pannenberg, University of Munich
...impressive work.
— Philosophia Christi