Scarecrow Press
Pages: 370
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-8108-5965-4 • Hardback • July 2009 • $147.00 • (£113.00)
978-0-8108-6314-9 • eBook • July 2009 • $139.50 • (£108.00)
William Grange is a cultural historian who has received several awards for his scholarship and teaching. He is Hixson-Lied Professor of Theatre and Film at the University of Nebraska.
The dictionary succeeds in providing a general introduction and understanding of this particularly multifaceted period of German literature and in presenting students with an overview of important authors, defining movements, and events of the German literary scene in 1945. Recommended....
William Grange has produced another successful historical dictionary. . . . This title is very user friendly. . . . This source is highly recommended for academic libraries.....
The strength of this work lies in its introduction of authors not included in other reference sources....Recommended for academic libraries supporting programs in German language, literature, and culture as well as libraries with collections of postwar German literature....