Scarecrow Press
Pages: 552
Trim: 5½ x 8¾
978-0-8108-5097-2 • Hardback • February 2005 • $159.00 • (£123.00)
978-0-8108-6548-8 • eBook • February 2005 • $151.00 • (£117.00)
Harvey Chisick was born in London, England, in 1946. With his family he moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, where he attended elementary and secondary schools, and did his B.A. He received his doctorate from The Johns Hopkins University, and is the author of a number of books and articles on the social and intellectual history of the eighteenth century.
Chapter 1 Editor's Foreword Jon Woronoff
Chapter 2 Preface
Chapter 3 Acknowledgments
Chapter 4 Chronological Table
Chapter 5 Introduction
Chapter 6 The Dictionary
Chapter 7 Bibliography
Chapter 8 About the Author
Scarecrow's Enlightenment volume provides an impressive and useful overview of an age valued for its commitment to progress, science, reason, taste, and virtue, but the author does not pretend that the era always lived up to those ideals....wonderfully useful...Recommended....
Given the author's depth of knowledge, engaging and lively writing style, and good feel for the time period...this is a recommended purchase for all libraries.......
This dictionary is highly recommended.......
The entries are clear, factual, reflect modern scholarship (and attitudes) and will explain matters to the user as well as just impart information. Students at various levels (but especially senior school and undergraduate) will find the content invaluable......
...focuses on the Enlightenment as an intellectual movement that played a key role in the culture of Europe in the years between roughly 1687 and 1789. In addition to an extensively cross-referenced dictionary, the text includes a detailed introduction covering the paradigms of Enlightenment thought, the key values and assumptions of the period, its social dimensions, and how new problems grew from solutions to previous problems. The text also features a chronological chart of the progression of the movement, and a substantial bibliography, categorized by subject...