Part One: My Introduction to Romania
1. Ceausescu, Romania's Jews, Chief Rabbi Rosen, and Me
2. Looking Back to Explain Present-Day Romania
3. The Curtain Rises
4. Jumping in As Ambassador
Part Two: Romanian Struggles
5. Building the Case in Washington for the Bilateral Relationship with Romania and Speaking Truth to Power in Romania
6. Former President Bush in Bucharest
7. Negotiating Romania's Treaty with Hungary
8. Romania's President Comes to the Oval Office
Part Three: Romania's Democracy in Action
9. A New Year, Step-by-Step
10. Washington Pays Attention
11. A Visit from Hillary Clinton
12. Run-up to the General Election
Part Four: Changing of the Guard in Romania
13. New Faces, Old Story Lines
14. More Peace and More Business
15. A Bountiful Harvest
Epilogue: Romanian History in the Making
Glossary of People and Places