10/30/24, People I (Mostly) Admire podcast/Freakonomics Radio Network: Richard Reeves discusses his work and the book with host Steven Levitt.
Link: https://freakonomics.com/podcast/why-are-boys-and-men-in-trouble/
FB link: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0HCDsvfZ7BVd6mxZM2mfbgtRUX8Zg4hQp62sYy7LLaDeHZtJpxzkfsK1x2EUGWTJzl&id=100050424972729
11/30/22, CNN: Michael Smerconish interviewed Richard Reeves about the struggles of boys and men.
Link: https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2022/11/26/smr-reeves-men-in-trouble.cnn
12/21/22, Next Big Idea Club: Richard Reeves penned a piece on five key insights from the book.
Link: https://nextbigideaclub.com/magazine/boys-men-modern-male-struggling-matters-bookbite/38289/
1/9/23, Psychology Today: Jett Stone featured the book in an article on the disorientation after extended paternity leave.
Link: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-souls-of-men/202301/dawn-of-the-new-american-dad
1/16/23, The Learning Leader Show: Ryan Hawk interviewed Richard Reeves about the book.
Link: https://learningleader.com/richardreeves/
1/19/23, Public Discourse: Richard Reeves was interviewed about fatherhood and the modern male malaise in this feature.
Link: https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2023/01/86960/
1/27/23, Dr. Phil show: Richard Reeves discussed the demise of guys with Dr. Phil.
Link: https://www.drphil.com/shows/the-demise-of-guys/
2/4/22, WNYC On the Media: Richard Reeves was featured in an episode hosted by Micah Loewinger.
Link: https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/segments/what-data-says-boys-men-struggling-on-the-media
2/15/23, New York Times: The book was included in this piece from Jessica Grose.
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/15/opinion/fertility-decline.html
2/15/23, The New Yorker:This was named a Best Book of 2022.
Link: https://www.newyorker.com/best-books-2022
2/27/22, Independent Women's Forum: Richard Reeves was interviewed by Patricia Patnode and James Broughel.
Link: https://www.iwf.org/2023/02/27/what-happens-when-you-overcorrect-the-gender-gap/
3/10/23, The Ezra Klein Show: Richard Reeves and Ezra Klein delved into the data from the book, discussing how men and boys are struggling and falling behind.
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-men-and-boys-are-not-alright/id1548604447?i=1000603582206
4/8/23, Big Think: Richard Reeves weighs in on American friendship.
Link: https://twitter.com/i/status/1644398187430518790
4/5/23, New York Post: Richard Reeves discusses the book withRikki Schlott.
Link: https://nypost.com/2023/04/05/the-war-on-toxic-masculinity-sees-boys-men-struggle-in-society/
4/23, ManTalks with Connor Beaton podcast: Richard Reeves discusses the book and teaching kids about sex.
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/richard-reeves-why-men-are-in-decline-and-what-you/id1015078747?i=1000609343970
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv5E-Lr64lw
5/12/23, The Bulwark podcast: Richard Reeves joins Charlie Sykes to talk about the book.
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/richard-reeves-the-trouble-with-boys-and-men/id1447684472?i=1000612819363
5/12/23, The Economist, Checks and Balance podcast: Richard Reeves discusses the book, masculinity, and what is behind problems facing men.
Link: https://www.economist.com/podcasts/2023/05/12/is-there-a-crisis-of-masculinity
5/24/23, Washington Monthly: In a discussion of Josh Hawley’s book new book on manhood, Richard Reeves and the book Of Boys and Men are discussed as serious alternatives.
Link: https://washingtonmonthly.com/2023/05/24/what-josh-hawley-and-the-right-get-wrong-about-manhood/
5/30/23, Publishing Perspectives: In a discussion with Porter Anderson, Richard Reeves talks about the book.
Link: https://publishingperspectives.com/2023/05/of-boys-and-men-and-publishing-richard-v-reeves/
5/31/23, Men’s Health: Richard Reeves discusses having the ‘sex talk’ with boys and book is prominently featured.
Link: https://www.menshealth.com/trending-news/a43644660/sons-parents-dad-sex-talk-kids/
7/10/23, The Washington Post: Christine Emba’s opinion page piece “Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness” features Richard Reeves and the book as well as commentary from Reeves specific to the article. Emba and Reeves also discuss it on Washington Post Live.
Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/07/10/christine-emba-masculinity-new-model
Washington Post Live Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/2023/07/12/christine-emba-richard-reeves-crisis-american-masculinity/
Transcript link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/2023/07/12/transcript-crisis-masculinity/
7/11/23, House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy podcast: Richard Reeves joined the U.S. Surgeon General to discuss why boys and men are struggling for connection.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcKKAffWpAQ
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/richard-reeves-why-are-boys-and-men-struggling-for/id1621592840?i=1000620834421
7/8/23, Issues in Perspective: Jim Eckman discusses Richard Reeves’ findings, saying it’s an “indispensable book.”
Link: http://issuesinperspective.com/2023/07/has-the-american-male-lost-his-way/
7/28/2023, Vancouver Sun: Richard Reeves and parts of the book were featured in this opinion piece by Douglas Todd on whether boys should automatically be held back a year in school.
Link: https://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/douglas-todd-should-boys-be-held-back-a-year-in-school-by-default
5/9/23, The Higher Ed Spotlight podcast: Richard Reeves joined Ben Wildavsky to discuss the book in this podcast sponsored by the Chegg’s Center for Digital Learning.
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/education-struggles-of-men/id1620239101?i=1000612301002
6/21/23, TED Talk: Richard Reeves’s TED Talk about how to solve the education crisis for boys and men is available to view. As of this am, it’s had 35k views.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXsOlAYvgh0
6/16/23, Honesty with Bari Weiss: Richard Reeves’s joins guest host Eli Lake and Ryan Holiday and Ian Rowe in a conversation about fatherhood in 2023 on Father’s Day.
Link: https://www.honestlypod.com/podcast/episode/3067b6c7/how-to-dad-in-2023-a-roundtable-with-our-favorite-fathers
Twitter link: https://twitter.com/thehonestlypod/status/1670824553780576257?s=20
8/9/23, Mother Jones: Eamon Whalen pens a piece entitled “Boy Problems: The manosphere promises to fix young men’s lives. Instead, it’s making them miserable” and Richard Reeves and the book are discussed favorably.
Link: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/boy-problems-andrew-tate-masculinity-crisis-manosphere/
8/18/23, No Mercy, No Malice with Scott Galloway: Features a guest post from author Richard Reeves.
Link: https://www.profgalloway.com/head-of-the-class/
9/6/23, The Lever: Richard Sirota and Richard Reeves discuss the book on this episode of Lever Time.
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8SOAFee3cI
Link: https://www.levernews.com/the-american-masculinity-crisis/
9/6/23, GEN+: Richard Reeves is the featured guest.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEU1mO3kqIU
9/18/23, CNN Health: Richard Reeves is quoted and the book is featured in this article about loneliness in men as an epidemic and specifically within fatherhood.
Link: https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/18/health/male-loneliness-epidemic-wellness/index.html
9/19/23, Comment Magazine: Richard Reeves and Christine Emba discuss the crisis of masculinity on Comment’s The Whole Person Revolution podcast.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AScijlkzCyE
10/6/23, On Point / WBUR Boston: Richard Reeves is part of a panel on NPR’s On Point program on unraveling the secrets of the Y chromosome.
Link: https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2022/11/11/richard-reeves-gender-equality-boys-school-men
10/23/23, Los Angeles Review of Books: Melissa Ridley Elmes reviews Chuck Wendig’s new fiction book Black River Orchard and mentions Richard Reeves and the book in a section about the U.S. crisis of masculinity.
Link: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/masculine-frailty-and-ambition-on-chuck-wendigs-black-river-orchard/
11/15/23, The American Conservative: Brad Wilcox and Elizabeth Self offer a piece entitled “Male Malaise Is Not Just About ‘the Culture’: Big Business and Big Education have a hand in our boys’ failure to thrive” and the book is included in the article.
Link: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/male-malaise-is-not-just-about-the-culture/
1/9/24, The Privileged Man podcast: Richard Reeves discusses the book and the institute in this episode.
Link: https://player.captivate.fm/episode/9bb7a01d-36da-47d7-81c2-2db799711ff9
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HrcUnp8-pI
1/17/24, PBS NewsHour: Geoff Bennett interviews Richard Reeves about the implications of male loneliness and efforts to address it.
Link: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/why-a-growing-number-of-american-men-say-they-are-in-a-friendship-recession
2/5/24, Top of Mind with Julie Rose / BYU Radio podcast: Richard Reeves is part of a panel discussing the crisis of modern boys and men and people who are trying to address it.
Link: https://tunein.com/podcasts/World-News/Top-of-Mind-with-Julie-Rose-p684922/
2/5/24, San Diego Reader: The book is sourced in an article about how new dads are running to therapists.
Link: https://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2024/feb/14/cover-dudes-to-dads/
3/14/24, Boston Globe’s Say More with Shirley Leung podcast: The book and Richard Reeves are featured.
Link: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/03/14/business/why-crisis-men-boys-is-so-hard-talk-about
3/1/24, Word on Fire: Maggie Smith interviews Richard Reeves about the book and the newly launched institute.
Link: https://www.wordonfire.org/articles/richard-v-reeves-and-jocko-willink-take-on-male-malaise/
X/Twitter link: https://x.com/WordOnFire/status/1765861257154859099?s=20
IG link: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4OkpDjvm9r/
4/16/24 , The New York Times: In an article about toxic masculinity, Of Boys and Men is mentioned.
Link: https://images.burrelles.com/image/U2FsdGVkX1_KHw3sqtD5FLdsM7h5wxSs7LaHHKKVSc-HTxMf1yHRrQ
May/June issue, Men’s Health: Richard Reeves contributes an essay about raising sons in modern times. The book is included.
Link: https://images.burrelles.com/image/U2FsdGVkX18LlhaL3xOBVSsfh-5zI7xuOW5Gc7FeubSfCrPs4cURdg
5/1/24, MIR Meets podcast: Host Andrew Xu and Richard Reeves discuss the book.
Link: https://mironline.podbean.com/e/mir-meets-richard-reeves/
5/7/24, The New York Times: In an opinion piece from Thomas Edsall about the emerging gender gap, Of Boys and Men is mentioned.
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/01/opinion/biden-younger-voters-gender.html
Salt Lake Tribune Link: https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2024/05/07/opinion-huge-gender-gap-is/
5/30/24, The New York Times: The book is mentioned in Nicholas Kristof’s recent column about marriage and the gender divide.
Link: https://images.burrelles.com/image/U2FsdGVkX1_4r-pHEOKxH9cglta56j0VuoNOS5zdEzu05n9M9cxKqA
6/7/24, The Pulse/WHYY NPR Philadelphia: Richard Reeves discusses the book during a segment on modern masculinity.
Link: https://whyy.org/episodes/the-search-for-modern-masculinity/
6/23/24, The New York Times: Richard Reeves is quoted and the book is mentioned in this article about male teachers.
Link: https://images.burrelles.com/image/U2FsdGVkX19pS5faqVdfh2Fq8cvmK2VxTzJfc0IxHfnaSxvu0fxKkA
6/17/24, The Aaron Renn Show: Richard Reeves discusses the book with host Aaron Renn.
Link: https://www.aaronrenn.com/p/richard-reeves-boys-and-men
6/16/24, The Telegraph (UK): In a Father’s Day culture feature about man-in-the-kitchen stereotypes, Richard Reeves and the book are featured.
Link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/food-and-drink/features/types-of-dad-cook/
August 2024, Since the original post on by Barack Obama, coverage continues from Today, Kirkus, Yahoo, Mediaite, USA Today, Boston Globe, and many more.
Today link: https://www.today.com/popculture/books/barack-obama-reading-list-books-2024-rcna166292
Yahoo link: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/books-barack-obamas-2024-summer-041337545.html
USA Today link: https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2024/08/12/barack-obama-summer-2024-playlist-books-recommendations/74774229007
Kirkus Reviews link: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/news-and-features/articles/barack-obama-releases-his-summer-reading-list
Mediaite link: https://www.mediaite.com/news/obama-drops-his-latest-summer-book-and-music-recommendations-hope-you-find-something-new/
Boston Globe link: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/08/13/arts/barack-obama-summer-reading-and-music-playlist/
8/20/24, The Michael Shermer Show: Richard Reeves discusses the book with host and Skeptic magazine founder Michael Shermer.
Link: https://www.skeptic.com/michael-shermer-show/richard-reeves-why-men-are-struggling/
8/27/24, Morning Edition/NPR: Richard Reeves discusses the book with host Steve Inskeep.
Link: https://www.npr.org/2024/08/27/nx-s1-5086473/where-do-different-ideas-of-masculinity-fit-into-the-presidential-election
8/24/24, Toronto Star: Columnist Andrew Phillips says that “Democrats finally have an answer to the right’s swaggering model of masculinity” and discusses the book in detail.
Link: https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/the-democrats-finally-have-an-answer-to-the-rights-swaggering-model-of-masculinity/article_481e490e-60af-11ef-8622-c3706054491f.html
9/2/24, EconLib’s EconTalk podcast: Richard Reeves discusses the book with host Russ Roberts.
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/Econlib/posts/pfbid0zJo1GBzsoXYnetNmQH1VRWbApRWzymV89KtTxQa4zEy9fC9PuYZ1u81BAEtpux7Fl
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lIlAtNweuo
September issue, Independent School Magazine: The book and Richard Reeves’ studies are discussed in detail in this article about why boys are struggling in school.
Link: https://www.nais.org/learn/independent-ideas/september-2024/whats-going-on-with-boys-in-schools/