Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 480
Trim: 7⅛ x 10
978-1-4422-3305-8 • Paperback • July 2015 • $94.00 • (£72.00)
978-1-4422-3306-5 • eBook • July 2015 • $89.00 • (£68.00)
Robert J. Art is professor of international relations at Brandeis University.
Kelly M. Greenhill is associate professor of political science at Tufts University and research fellow at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
How Force Is Used
1 The Fungibility of Force –Robert J. Art
2 Deterrence and Compellence –Thomas C. Schelling
3 The Sources of Military Doctrine –Barry R. Posen
4 Offense, Defense, and Cooperation under the Security Dilemma –Robert Jervis
How Force Should Be Used
5 The Just War Tradition Revisited –Seyom Brown
6 The Proportionality Principle in War –Laurie R. Blank
Forms of Coercion
7 Nuclear Myths and Political Realities –Kenneth N. Waltz
8 The Lost Logic of Deterrence –Richard K. Betts
9 Coercive Diplomacy –Alexander L. George
10 What Terrorists Want –Louise Richardson
11 Forced Migration as a Coercive Instrument –Kelly M. Greenhill
The Great Power Era
12 The Cult of the Offensive in 1914 –Jack L. Snyder
13 Hitler and the Blitzkrieg Strategy –John J. Mearsheimer
14 Japan’s Fatal Blunder –Sir George Sansom
15 The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb –Louis Morton
The Superpower Era
16 The Cuban Missile Crisis –David Welch, James G. Blight, and Bruce J. Allyn
17 Flexible Response and the Vietnam War –John Lewis Gaddis
The Unipolar Era
18 The U. S. and Coercive Diplomacy –Robert J. Art and Patrick M. Cronin
19 The Second Iraq War –Peter R. Mansoor
20 The Limits of Counterinsurgency Doctrine in Afghanistan –Karl W. Eikenberry
The Projection of American Military Power
21 The Strategy of Restraint –Barry R. Posen
22 The Strategy of Deep Engagement –Stephen G. Brooks, G. John Ikenberry, and William C. Wohlforth
23 Crisis Instability in US-China Relations –Avery Goldstein
24 Why Drones Work –Daniel Byman
The Utility of Nuclear, Biological, and Cyber Weapons
25 Nuclear Weapons and Conflict –Mark S. Bell and Nicholas L. Miller
26 Pathogens as Weapons –Gregory Koblenz
27 The Myth of Cyberwar –Erik Gartzke
Intervention in Internal Conflicts
28 Puttering with Primacy –Richard K. Betts
29 Humanitarian Intervention Comes of Age –Jon Western and Joshua A. Goldstein
30 Regime Change and Its Consequences –Alexander B. Downes
31 Ten Ways to Lose at Counterinsurgency –Kelly M. Greenhill and Paul Staniland
32 The Critical Barrier to Civil War Settlement –Barbara F. Walter
Possible Future Developments
33 The Decline and Demise of Terrorist Groups –Audrey Kurth Cronin
34 A World Without Nuclear Weapons? –Thomas C. Schelling
35 Law, Ethics, and Autonomous Weapons Systems –Kenneth Anderson and Matthew Waxman
About the Contributors
For more than two decades, The Use of Force has been the 'go-to' book for both introductory and advanced courses in security studies. Like its distinguished predecessors, this new edition still combines classic theoretical articles and up-to-date analyses of critical contemporary issues. If you are going to assign one book to your students, this is the one.
— Stephen M. Walt, Professor of International Affairs at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government
The Use of Force has long been the leading reader in the area of security studies. It deftly combines the 'classics' with the best new scholarship on emerging issues, and takes care to present competing perspectives. I have used it for years and hope to do so for years to come.
— Peter Feaver, Triangle Institute for Security Studies, Duke University
It is hard to imagine a better collection of traditional security analyses by prominent realist scholars.
— Deborah Avant, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver
A very useful and balanced collection that covers many facets of the problem, logically organized by two of the most sensible scholars in the field. (Previous Edition Praise)
— Richard K. Betts, Arnold A. Saltzman Professor of War and Peace Studies, Columbia University
A very useful compendium of articles on critical questions of military force in world politics. (Previous Edition Praise)
— Joseph S. Nye Jr., University Distinguished Service Professor, Harvard University
The Use of Force is an essential resource for scholars and students concerned with the fundamental security problems of our day. It should be at the top of the list for anyone seeking an anthology of international security issues. (Previous Edition Praise)
— Risa Brooks, Marquette University
The Use of Force has long been an invaluable aid for understanding critical security issues. The articles in the latest edition address both classic strategic problems and the emerging challenges in the world today. (Previous Edition Praise)
— Daniel L. Byman, Georgetown University
Written by some of today's most well-known and established academics and foreign policy strategists. . . . This book will make an excellent addition to the professional library of any Marine leader concerned with how the Corps can most effectively structure itself to remain a leading instrument in the implementation of American foreign policy. (Previous Edition Praise)
— Marine Corps Gazette
The Use of Force continues to offer a most stimulating blend of contemporary and traditional perspectives on international relations, very valuable for students new to the subject, but essential also for the experienced researcher trying to maintain his or her bearings. The contributions are chosen for their readability and their timelessness. The perspective is always realistic, in the best sense of the term. (Previous Edition Praise)
— George H. Quester, University of Maryland
This book is indispensable for courses that deal with security issues. (Previous Edition Praise)
— Robert C. Gray, Franklin & Marshall College
Like the eighth edition of The Use of Force you will.
— Yoda
New features
Compiled by two leading scholars in the field who have selected and carefully edited readings for student use
Collects the best theoretical analysis on the use of force, balanced with key historical and contemporary case studies
Ideal for courses on international relations, world politics, U.S. foreign policy, and military and security affairs
Significantly revised, with 20 new selections on deterrence, terrorism, forced migration, ethical issues, the second Iraq war, counterinsurgency, humanitarian intervention, and nuclear weapons