Jason Aronson, Inc.
Pages: 150
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-0-7657-0931-8 • Hardback • February 2013 • $91.00 • (£70.00)
978-1-4422-4775-8 • Paperback • February 2015 • $52.00 • (£40.00)
978-0-7657-0932-5 • eBook • February 2013 • $86.50 • (£67.00)
Pilar Hernández-Wolfe, PhD, is an educator, researcher, therapist, speaker, author, consultant, and community organizer. She is Associate Professor and Director of the Marriage, Couple and Family Therapy program at Lewis & Clark College. She is past president of the Maryland Association for Counseling and Development (MACD) and board member of the American Family Therapy Academy (AFTA). She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) approved supervisor. She has authored or co-authored over forty peer reviewed article and book chapters in English and Spanish.
Chapter 1. Borderland Experiences: Migrations and Crosslinks
Chapter 2. A New Musical Score, a Horizon, and Possibilities for Meaning Making:
A Decolonization Paradigm
Chapter 3. Nepantla: A Borderland Epistemology
Chapter 4. Trauma, Resistance/Resilience, and the Colonial Difference
Chapter 5. Just and Loving Relationships Heal
Chapter 6. Thoughts Unfinished
Appendix A
About the Author
“Therapy, at best, is about transformation. Dr. Hernandez-Wolfe’s brilliant book provides nepanthla, the territory for transformation—an in-between space in which, through individual and collective reflection, we can see ourselves and each other more clearly. By showing how macro-societal processes are enacted in the micro-processes of every day life, she challenges taken-for-granted practices and offers pathways for new therapeutic action. I highly recommend this book for clinicians of all levels of experience.”
— Kaeth Weingarten, PhD, Harvard Medical School
“The author weaves an exciting tapestry of contemporary perspectives that are relevant to therapeutic work in the globalized contexts of patriarchy and coloniality. Intriguing case studies anchor an argument for fluidity of thought and community–based collaborative practices. This is essential reading for all who are taking up the challenges of liberation, decolonization, and the reconnection of humanity with the rest of nature.”
— Tod Sloan, PhD, co-editor; "Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology"
“Woven with innovative thinking and compelling case examples, this book deeply engages the reader. With the author’s searing honesty and her keen capacities to crisscross many worlds, your therapeutic work will be forever amplified and changed.”
— Janine Roberts, PhD, Professor emerita, University of Massachussetts
A Borderlands View on Latinos, Latin Americans, and Decolonization: Rethinking Mental Health... illustrate[s] two important facets to multicultural understanding, particularly within a mental health context. One facet is knowledge of one’s clients’ cultural history, past and present, and how this is likely to impact them psychologically, understanding, of course, that individuals vary greatly. Another important aspect is the acknowledgment of one’s own culture and history, especially where they intersect with those of clients.