Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 180
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-4758-5602-6 • Hardback • September 2020 • $36.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-5604-0 • eBook • September 2020 • $34.00 • (£25.00)
David Kramer sold his custom software business in 2000, beginning a teaching career to help the next generation take its place in the world. A university teacher, he has a B.Sc. in Mathematics, an M.Sc. in Computer Science and has climbed all 54 of Colorado’s mountains over 14,000 feet. David lives in Denver, Colorado.
Foreword to the First Edition
Foreword to the Second Edition
1: Entering the Real World
2: If You Are Still in School
3: Think for Yourself
4: Communicating with Others and Yourself
5: Entering and Adjusting to the Workplace
6: Life’s Situations with Challenging Personalities
7: Personal Improvement
8: Time Management
9: A View of Corporate America
10: Wealth and Finances
11: Thinking of Your Own Small Business?
12: Dealing with a Mental Illness
13: Suggested Videos
14: Venturing Out
About the Author
If someone were to hand you this book and say, “Read this and you will be prepared for life’s most prevalent challenges,” would you read it? This book is a collection of wisdom accumulated by a man who has traversed many of life’s challenges and gleaned insight from some of the world’s most accomplished and insightful people. Each page has a nugget that many will pay top dollar for a life coach or therapist to share with them. These are words written by someone who is truly well versed in the business world and equally versed in the limitations we find in our lives. This is your invitation. Read this book. It will be worth your time.
David Kramer is an open minded, driven educator. While my association with him was as a teaching assistant, I learned countless life lessons from him. With every person he meets, he accepts who they are, and encourages them to be their best. This is how he leads and how he teaches. He radiates a passion to give back to everyone around him. The Real World is not written with the intention and claiming fame and riches, but rather to genuinely benefit those who read it.
— Austin Gailey, college student, computer science major
The Real World delivers a wide variety of timeless advice for anyone looking to be successful. Using the author's thoughtful approach, The Real World provides the reader not only with valuable advice to entering the workforce, but essentially a handbook for taking action and seeing fast results in so many areas of life! I have applied some of the concepts presented in this book to my life and they have proven to be more than successful. This book has encouraged me to look beyond success and inward to personal growth. With grace and authenticity, author David Kramer leads you through the many twists and turns that life presents.
— Nicole Beck, Recent college graduate, communications major, minor in computer science