Lexington Books
Pages: 180
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅛
978-1-4985-6547-9 • Hardback • November 2018 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-4985-6548-6 • eBook • November 2018 • $105.50 • (£82.00)
Bob Tomlinson is associate professor in the National Security Affairs Department of the Naval War College at the Naval Postgraduate School.
Chapter 1: Musa al-Sadr and the Shi`i Narratives in Lebanon
Chapter 2: The Shi`a Expulsion from Nab`a
Chapter 3: The Effects of the Iranian Revolution on the Lebanese Shi`a
Chapter 4: The Israeli Invasion of Lebanon 1982
Chapter 5: Epilogue
Bob Tomlinson is a world class scholar on the Shi'i dynamic within Lebanon, and this book reflects this sentiment perfectly. He provides an oft-ignored perspective on this critical group, and with it an alternative lens vital toward understanding the global Shi'i narrative during a key historical period.
— Paul S. Lieber, Joint Special Operations University
This book deftly explores an important and oft-ignored aspect of the Lebanese Civil War: how Lebanese Shi`a and Shi`a political movements were misperceived by western media. Tomlinson uncovers how Western media organizations overlooked the significance of the Shi`a community and developed narratives that simplified their role in Lebanese politics and war. His work makes a compelling case for the importance of accuracy in war reporting, particularly insofar as such reporting can influence and shape the policies of intervening foreign powers.
— Afshon Ostovar, author of Vanguard of the Imam