Lexington Books
Pages: 168
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-4985-8458-6 • Hardback • October 2019 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-4985-8460-9 • Paperback • April 2023 • $39.99 • (£30.00)
978-1-4985-8459-3 • eBook • October 2019 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Crystal L. Edwards is a visiting professor at the University of Houston.
Chapter 1: The Roots of HER-Story
Chapter 2: Everyday Stressors
Chapter 3: Interactions and Relationships with Teachers, Administration, and School Staff
Chapter 4: Microaggressions
Chapter 5: Coping Strategies
Chapter 6: From Theory to Praxis
Appendix A: Methodology and Project Design
Appendix B: Summary of Themes and Behavioral Difference
Appendix C: Supplemental Resources
Black Girls Experiencing Their Intersectional Identities in School: A Her-Story comes at a pivotal moment when attacks and microaggressions against black girls have been made irrevocably public. From classroom assaults, to over-policing black girls for swimming while black, to receiving disciplinary action for being our beautiful, natural and nappy selves—the resilient voices of young, gifted, and black girls are pushed forth in meaningful scholarship that can help us all to better negotiate the troubled water of raced and gendered spaces. With recent reports that black girls and women are the most educated demographic in the United States, the work done by Crystal L. Edwards is invaluable in understanding the psycho-social journey of black girls through the educational pipeline. It is well-researched, thoughtful scholarship that adds another layer of sophistication to the black feminist intellectual tradition, but beyond that it is work that declares, unapologetically, that black girls’ experiences matter and that many of us are, in fact, paying attention.
— Kameelah Martin, College of Charleston