Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 268
Trim: 6⅜ x 9⅛
978-1-5381-3595-2 • Hardback • February 2020 • $116.00 • (£89.00)
978-1-5381-3596-9 • Paperback • February 2020 • $40.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-5381-3597-6 • eBook • February 2020 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Paul Sonnino is professor of history at the University of California Santa Barbara.
The Manuscripts
The Translation
Political Testament or Maxims of State of Cardinal Richelieu
To the King
First Part
Second Part
Continuation of the Succinct Narration
Manuscripts of the Political Testament
Editions of the Political Testament
Commentaries on the Political Testament
Key Printed Sources on Richelieu
In The Political Testament of Cardinal Richelieu, Paul Sonnino offers to historians of early modern France, and to anyone working on the history of the state or political theory, a second welcome gift—a fitting partner to his authoritative edition of Louis XIV’s Memoirs. Nonspecialists will particularly welcome his insightful commentary and contextual framing for a text so often misunderstood.
— James Collins, Georgetown University
At last we have a complete and learned translation of Cardinal Richelieu’s political testament, one of the two or three works about politics written by someone who actually wielded power, and who managed to execute almost all of his vision of a France endowed with a state capable of mobilizing resources sufficient to curb Spanish, Imperial, and papal challenges to its sovereignty. Sonnino’s introduction definitively explores all the questions about the history of the text, and engages the reader, whether a historian or not, in an adventure centered on all the moral issues that power brings to mind.
— Orest Ranum, emeritus, The Johns Hopkins University