Introduction: Favela and Asfalto: A City that Insists on Remaining Broken
1. Urban Growth, Gentrification and Social Hygiene in Rio de Janeiro 1850-1970
2. “A Good Thief is a Dead Thief”: Police and Violence in a Century of Favela
3. Discourse and Practice: A Multimodal Approach to Study Favelas
4. Life in the Favela: Identity, Stigma, Struggle and Survival
5. Legitimating Violence: The Paths of Police Brutality Intersect with the Stereotypical Representation of Favelas
6. How Many Voices Echo in the City?
7. Tales of Violence: The Hegemony of Violence in the News about the Favelas
8. Voices from the Favelas: Media Activism in the Pockets of Poverty of the City
9. Mobile Revolution: Raw Footage in the Epicentre of the Fight
10. The Official Voices, The voices of the Favela: Struggles for Plurality
11. Activism for Whom? Is Favela Media Activism Effective in Reaching the General Population Outside the Favelas?