CHAPTER 1. Modernity’s Nagging Question
Science and Society / The Aim and Contents of this Book / Philosophy and Its Contexts / Habermas and Foucault: Lives and Motivations / Modernity Science and Philosophy
CHAPTER 2. Habermas’ Critique of Positivism
Habermas’ Response to Positivism / Knowledge and Human Interests / Habermas’ Theoretical Partitions
CHAPTER 3. Science, Modernity and Communicative Action
Habermas Linguistic Turn / Lifeworld, System and the Rationalisation of Society / The Diagnosis of Modernity / Insights and Aporias / Reinterpreting Habermas
CHAPTER 4. Science and Deliberative Democracy
Between Facts and Norms / Philosophy and Science / The Future of Human Nature. / Free Will and Determinism / Concluding Thoughts
CHAPTER 5. Foucault’s Archaeology of Scientific Knowledge
Foucault’s Radicalisation of Critique / Madness / Archaeology and the History of Science / Order and The Sciences / Concluding Thoughts
CHAPTER 6. Science and Power
From Archaeology to Genealogy / The Emergence and Dissemination of Modern / Power/Knowledge / The Constitution of The Subject / The Natural Sciences / The Normalisation of Society / Bio-Power and Governmentality / Normative Confusions
CHAPTER 7. Science and the Genealogy of the Subject
Later Foucault’s Broader Framework / Ethics, Aesthetics and Spirituality / The Genealogy of The Subject / Philosophy and Science after Kant
CHAPTER 8. Science, Philosophy and Modernity
The Reconcilability of Habermas and Foucault / Reflexivity and its Modern Radicalisation / Discovery and Self-Transformation / Normative Foundations and Confusions. / Wrapping up the debate / Concluding Reflections