1 Introduction: International Relations in a Globalized World
Why International Relations Is Important
International Relations in a Globalized World
What Does Globalization Mean for the Study of IR?
2 Theoretical Overview
What Is Theory and Why Is It Important?
Levels of Analysis: A Framework for Understanding IR
Introduction to Basic IR Theories
3 The Nation-State Level
Definition of Nation-State
History of the Nation-State
Balance of Power and Alliances
Understanding National Interest
War and Peace
Issues of Peace and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
The Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) Process
4 Within the Nation-State
The Government, i.e., the “State” part of the Nation-State
Culture and Society
The Role of the Individual
5 Nonstate Actors and the International System
The Changing Nature of the International System
International Organizations
Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs)
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)
The Concept of “Civil Society”
Terrorism: A Challenge to the International System
Multinational Corporations (MNCs)
The Role of the Media
6 Pulling It All Together
Introduction to the Cases
Case 1: Environmental Protection as a Common Good
Case 2: The Movement of People in a Globalized World
Case 3: The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda
Case 4: China: Adversary or “Frenemy”?
Lessons of the Cases: Understanding International Relations in a Globalized World
Further Readings