Ivan R. Dee
Pages: 304
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-1-56663-615-5 • Hardback • September 2006 • $26.95 • (£19.99)
978-1-56663-756-5 • Paperback • September 2007 • $18.95 • (£14.99)
Carmel McCaffrey is a native of Dublin and lectures on Irish history, literature, culture, and language at Johns Hopkins University and at the Smithsonian Institution. She is a Gaelic speaker and frequently travels to Ireland. Her earlier book,
In Search of Ancient Ireland, written with Leo Eaton, was a companion to the PBS series. She lives in Mount Airy, Maryland.
Written with verve and passion...In Search of Ireland's Heroes is a welcome challenge to conservative interpretations of Ireland's history.
— Kerby Miller, University of Missouri
There've been plenty of books on Irish history but none quite so vivid and accessible asIn Search of Ireland's Heroes... [which stands] solidly both as a companion volume and as an innovative history by itself.
— California Bookwatch
"McCaffrey has succeeded in compiling a history of Ireland which is completely accessible without losing credibility."
— Irish Emigrant
The hero stories engage, the scene-setting shines as both scholarly and readable, and the character descriptions run deep....Magnificent collection.
— Michael Phelps; Examiner
A lively account of the men and women who forged Irish independence