Lexington Books
Pages: 130
Trim: 6⅜ x 9⅜
978-1-66690-726-1 • Hardback • July 2023 • $90.00 • (£69.00)
978-1-66690-727-8 • eBook • July 2023 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
Tanya Loughead is professor in the Department of Philosophy at Canisius College.
Chapter 1: What is Maturity?
Chapter 2: Psychoanalytic Approaches to Maturity
Chapter 3: Failure and Immaturity
Chapter 4: Maturity as a Political Project
Chapter 5: The Family is a Political Structure
Chapter 6: Maturing as Critical Openness
In Politics of Maturity, Tanya Loughead argues that maturity is less about finding our place in the world as it is, and more about living an authentic existence amidst the complexities of a world in need of repair. Rather than becoming increasingly sure of ourselves as we mature, maturity involves an ever-deepening humility. With a keen eye on the dynamics of multiple forms of oppression, Loughead outlines the practices in which we can engage that foster the sort of openness to destabilization that maturity requires.
— Cynthia Kaufman, Consumerism, Sustainability, and Happiness: How to Build World Where Everyone Has Enough