Chapter 1: Reading the Youth Climate Movement: Social Media, Literary Creation, and Allyship
Alexandra Lakind
Chapter 2: “But, What Difference Can I Make?”: Using Documentaries to Explore Environmental Advocacy in the Face of Climate Change
Carley Peterson Durden and Jared Durden
Chapter 3: Educating Space-Age Environmentalists at the Elementary Level
Beverly B. Bachelder and Robert S. Bachelder
Chapter 4: Teaching Environmental Respect to Young Learners: Video Games as Environmental Texts
Erden El
Chapter 5: A City for the Future: Designing Socially Just, Sustainable Urban Environments with Elementary Students
Alexandra Laing
Chapter 6: Fostering Environmentalism and Activism in Students: Plastic Pollution as a Starting Point
Karen Ball and Elke DeVries
Chapter 7: Ecohorror, Terrorism, and Inadequate Representation of Global Warming in M. Night Shyamalan’s The Happening
Tatiana Konrad
Chapter 8: The Global Impact of Fast Fashion: Understanding Sustainability and Social Justice Issues
Helen Liu and Alyssa Racco
Chapter 9: Making the Material Turn: A Pedagogical Approach on Postcolonial, Social, and Ecological Issues in Amitav Ghosh and Arundhati Roy’s Essays and Fiction
Suhasini Vincent
Chapter 10: Creating Authentic Learning Experiences: Interdisciplinary Climate Change Instruction and Assessment
Mary-Alice Corliss and Rebecca L. Young
Vandana Singh
About the Contributors