Part I: Nihilism
Chapter 1: Nietzsche’s Nihilism(s)
Chapter 2: Heidegger’s Nihilism
Chapter 3: Nishitani’s Nihilism
Chapter 4: Nihilism in Derrida and Gadamer
Chapter 5: Will, Nature, and Love
Part II: Marion’s Vanity
Chapter 6: Vanity in God without Being
Chapter 7: Vanity in The Erotic Phenomenon
Chapter 8: Nihilism in the later Marion
Chapter 9: Love and l’adonné
Part III: Marion’s Vanity in dialogue
Chapter 10: Marion and Nietzsche: Skepticism, Love, and Will to Power
Chapter 11: Marion and Heidegger: Being, Love, and Cultural Movements
Chapter 12: Marion and Nishitani: Love, Nothing, and World
Conclusion: Love, Nihilism, and the Surrender of the Self