Table of Contents
Preface: Plato the Teacher and Reading Order
Introduction: Schleiermacher and Plato
1 Protagoras as Gateway
§1. Protagoras before Alcibiades
§2. Xenophon before Plato
§3. Taking the Measure of Protagoras
§4. Interpreting the Misinterpretation of Simonides
2 The Elementary Dialogues: the Alcibiades dyad and Lovers
§5. The Εὖ Πράττειν Fallacy
§6. The More Perfect Mirror
§7. Between Alcibiades and Lovers
3 Hippias Major: Between Protagoras and Symposium
§8. Reading Order and Authenticity
§9. Plato’s pons asinorum
§10. Deceiving with the Double
4 The Musical Dialogues: Hippias Minor, Ion, and Menexenus
§11. Deception Defended?
§12. Inspired Interpretation?
§13. Rhetoric Rejected?
5 Symposium as τέλος
§14. Integrating Symposium
§15. History and Tragedy
§16. Alcestis, Codrus, and Achilles
§17. Catching Sight of the Sea
Epilogue: Imagining Plato’s Academy
Index locorum
Index verborum
About the Author