Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Teaching in the Midst of COVID-19: Teaching Effectiveness as a Function of Student Preferences for Instructional Behaviors
Scott A. Myers and Casey M. Stratton
Chapter 2: From Novel to Necessary: COVID-19 and the Kairos of Bringing Technology into the Classroom
Ashley A. Hanna Edwards
Chapter 3: Post-pandemic Pedagogy: Compassionate and caring course curriculum in the digital university
Linda Carozza and Steve Gennaro
Chapter 4: Reimagining Engagement for (Post)Pandemic Teaching: A Multi-Leveled Approach
Lindsey Anderson, Raphael Mazzone and Melissa A. Lucas
Chapter 5: Teaching Communication in a Pandemic and Post-Pandemic World
Brad Mello and Cyndi Grobmeier
Chapter 6: Networked Family Spirit: Paradox and Tension in Moving a Small University Online
Katherine Hampsten and Amanda Hill
Chapter 7: Post-Pandemic Anxiety: Teaching and Learning for Student Mental Wellness in Communication
Lori Blewett and Maureen Ebben
Chapter 8: The Pandemic and Disability Inclusive Pedagogy: Examining the Response to COVID-19 in Higher Education
Brittany Lash
Chapter 9: Landscape of Service Learning Courses: Post-Pandemic Evolution of Community Partnerships and Service Learning Projects
Sharon Storch
Chapter 10: Navigating Uncertainty Together: Pandemic Lessons Learned from Training New GTAs in Teaching Public Speaking
Anne C. Kretsinger Harries, Kate Challis, Ali Garib and Elizabeth Helmick
Chapter 11: A Case for Teaching Public Speaking without Live Audiences
Matt McGarrity
Chapter 12: Progressing Through Tuckman’s Phases in a Virtual College Classroom:
Using Online Tools to Support Student Group Development
Angela M. McGowan-Kirsch and Amanda Lohiser
Chapter 13: Post-Pandemic Pedagogy in Intercollegiate Academic Debate: Performing Civic Life in Virtual, Hybrid and In-Person Environments
John J. Reif
Conclusion: Predicting the New Pedagogical Paradigm