Introduction: Theologizing Star Wars: Engaging the Galaxy Far, Far Away
Benjamin D. Espinoza
Opening Essay
1 The Word of God and the W(h)ill of the Force: Canon and Authority within the Star Wars Universe
James F. McGrath
Part II: Theologies of the Jedi
2 Use (the) Force: Jedi, Monks, and Unexpected Violence
Zachary B. Smith
3 And What More Shall I Say? Heroism in Hebrews 11 and Star Wars
Bethany Keeley-Jonker and Robert Keeley
4 Rediscovering the Sith and the Jedi: A Spiritual Analogy in Renaissance Humanism and Desert Asceticism
Nathan Garcia
5 From Padawan to Jedi: The Theological Premise for the Necessity of the Master-Apprentice Relationship in the Path of Spiritual Ascension
Abdallah Rothman
6 And Also With You: An Examination of the Demystification of the Jedi and the Clergy
Nettie Brock and Josiah Brock
Part III: Political Theologies
7 Subverting the Ancient Religion: The Gray Ecclesiology of Ahsoka Tano and Old Man Luke
Timothy Posada
8 In Defense of the Nonviolence Luke: A Confrontation between Niebuhrian Realism and Christian Nonviolence in The Last Jedi
Andrew J. Kuzma
9 Undoing the Memory Wipe: Metz, Droids, and the Victims of History
Edward Dunar
10 Mysticism and Resistance: Theology of The Last Jedi
Rostislav Kůrka
11 Bringing Balance to the Force: George Lucas’ Politico-Critical Refiguring of Salvation
John C. McDowell
Part IV: Engaging Classic Thinkers
12 The Modern Manichaeans: Binaries of Light and Dark in Contemporary Culture
Jonathan Lyonhart
13 Thomas Aquinas’ Account of Hope as a Hermeneutical Lens for Star Wars
Shaun C. Brown
14 An Archē Not Anarchic Enough: A Spirited Critique of the Force
Ryan G. Duns
15 Lifting Rocks: Camus, Sainthood, and the Anti-Heroic in The Last Jedi
Russell P. Johnson