Chapter 1: Mimesis, Mean Girls, and the Culture Creating Them: Tina Fey’s Interrogation of Teen Comedy
Brian Bajek
Chapter 2: Star Wars: Between Myth and Gospel
Erik Buys
Chapter 3: Desire, the Scapegoated Other, and J.J. Abrams’ The Force Awakens
John C. McDowell
Chapter 4: Girard’s Lasso of Truth: Wonder Woman and the Overcoming of Satan
Stephanie Perdew
Chapter 5: Those Who Have Eyes to See: The Divine Origins of the Modern Plot Twist
Jordan Almanzar
Chapter 6: Gazing into a Mirror: Watching Hoarders with Girard
Ryan G. Duns
Chapter 7: From the Hermeneutic of Violence to Redemption: The 100 and Mimetic Theory
Paolo Diego Bubbio
Chapter 8: Mercy, Honor, and Girardian Conversion in The Karate Kid and Cobra Kai
Ryan Smock
Chapter 9: The Pleasures and Perils of Revenge: Sons of Anarchy and Girard
George A. Dunn
Chapter 10: Exorcising Blame Through A Contract with God: A Girardian Analysis of Will Eisner’s Graphic Novel
Daniel DeForest London
Chapter 11: Unmasking the Theological Shell: A Girardian Reading of Jonathan Hickman’s Secret Wars
Matthew Brake
Chapter 12: From Autonomy to Annihilation: The Monstrous Truth of the Romantic Lie
Robert Grant Price
Chapter 13: Subtweeting in the End Times: Social Media and the Escalation to Extremes
Justin Lee
Chapter 14: Starving for Beauty: On Anorexia and Mimetic Desire
Anna Scanlon
Chapter 15: From #MeToo to #WeToo: Mimetic Ecclesiology and the Possibility of Structural Reform
T. Derrick Witherington